This would be so much better with screencaps, but here goes: (possible **SPOILERS** below the cut)
Emma's belief in Fairytale World will break the curse.
I can't believe I didn't see it before! Then again, I was drunk that first half of the season; I love the pilot, I love the plot, Fairytale World reminds me of King Richard's Faire and Rumplestiltskin is the greatest character ever portrayed on television, but every episode aggravated me to no end because it was always the same: Regina wins. I almost stopped watching after 1.05 when she blew up the mine to keep her secret.Point is, I didn't notice it before, but I should have. It's been staring me in the face since the very beginning. Henry came to Boston to find Emma and convince her that the fairytales in his book were real, and has continued to do so ever since. To no avail. But things started changing when she decided to stay in Storybrooke. And with the life she's lived, who wouldn't want to believe in fairytales? She's never let herself believe completely, but she wants to, desperately. And because of this things have been changing.
Gold has always been pushing her in the right direction. Never telling her outright, but manipulating every situation leading her to the truth. Like last week. She came to him convinced Regina set up Mary Margaret without any evidence to back it up.
Gold's reaction: "Look who's suddenly become a woman of faith."
At that moment, he knew she was ready. He'd prepared her perfectly with everything leading up to this moment, and everything that is still to come.
Jefferson is the only one who openly remembers his life in Fairytale World, because that is his curse. And because of this curse, he can never be with his daughter. Emma, no matter how disbelieving she appears, would no doubt relate to his situation. She needed to hear about the curse from this man with a situation so similar to her own to ever possibly consider this as truth.
The hat wouldn't have worked if she didn't believe in magic.
Then she called Mary Margaret family.
Gold's deal with the Mayor had to have involved his release from jail for his help in this set up and what about those her case, that could be considered extremely foreboding. Gold is in it for himself, and Emma has always been the answer to his freedom.
Emma is starting to believe. Mary Margaret's presence in that cell was all the answer Gold needed. He knew Mary Margaret would use the key, knew Emma would follow her, knew Jefferson would kidnap them both and tell his tale...and he knew hearing it from the right person, Emma would believe.
I'd say this is far-fetched, but just before the curse, he knew Emma would be the savior and proved either he was still capable of premonitions or just three steps ahead all on his own when he helped Emma win the election as Sheriff.
I watched re-watched Desperate Souls (for the third time =) after last night's episode because Gold siding with Regina really bothered me and I had to find a non-aliance related answer to this turn of events. Gold approached Emma looking to be her benefactor. He then set fire to the Mayor's Office so Emma could looked the hero when she saved Regina, left just enough evidence for Emma to suspect his hand in starting the fire, knew she'd out him and win for her bravery in standing up to Mr. Gold.
First time I watched this episode (it must've been a good day, cuz I actually remember my initial reaction - either that or I was too drunk to put the pieces together before Gold owned up to everything...) I got the saving Regina and winning the public's favor for that, but I honestly thought outing Gold and stepping down would cost her the election. I was shocked when Gold confessed his true plan; couldn't believe he possibly knew every single step to take to get what he wanted.
That was just a side story, not the big picture. Imagine his capabilities when it comes to the curse, something he's been meticulously planning, no doubt, since The Queen informed him of Belle's death. So, as far-fetched as it may seem, there is no doubt in my mind Gold knew exactly when Emma was ready and how she should be confronted with the truth in a way she could understand...and begin to truly believe.
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